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Diabetic Neuropathy and its Management
About more than a half of population in India suffers from diabetes mellitus nowadays.  Out of which, most of them
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We all are aware of the fact that, how vitamins are essential for our body. Different vitamins regulate different functions
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Is aceclofenac and Paracetamol safe in Pregnancy ?
Pregnancy is regarded as the most delicate period for every woman. The physicians are very careful at this stage for
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Therapeutic effectiveness of Cefixime
Therapeutic effectiveness of Cefixime We all are familiar with Antibiotics, their effectiveness in several bacterial infections. These antibiotics are classified
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Pharma Third Party Manufacturing and Loan license
Pharma Third Party Manufacturing and Loan license Loan license A loan license means a license which a licensing authority may
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BENEFITS OF GINSENG MULTIVITAMIN & MULTIMINERAL CAPSULE Ginseng Multivitamin & Multimineral capsule is a food supplement known to have multiple
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WHO Good Manufacturing Practices (WHO-GMP) for Pharmaceutical products: Key Points
WHO Good Manufacturing Practices (WHO-GMP) for Pharmaceutical products: Key Points CGMPs  provide for systems that assure proper design, monitoring, and
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Importance of Quality Packing Material in Third Party Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing
Medicine plays a crucial role in maintaining health, preventing disease and saving lives. However, ineffective medicines pose great risks to
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Third Party Manufacturing of Iron Tablets: Critical Points
Iron is a crucial supplement and has huge consumption. The iron formulation is sensitive to light and moisture and improper
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Irrational Fixed dose combinations: Awareness must for Pharmaceutical manufacturers & marketing companies
Irrational Fixed-dose combinations: Awareness must for Pharmaceutical manufacturers & marketing companies Combination products, also known as fixed-dose drug combinations (FDCs),
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