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We all are aware of the fact that, how vitamins are essential for our body. Different vitamins regulate different functions in our body and protect the body from several deficiencies and diseases.  Methylcobalamin is one of them. It is also called as Vitamin B12 and used as dietary supplement. A low level of vitamin B12 makes you feel tired, weak,  slow thinking,  nerve damage, digestive issues and other neurological problems like depression and memory loss. Therefore, many people turn to vitamin B12 supplements to help meet their needs and prevent a deficiency. There are two forms of vitamin B12, Methylcobalamin and cyanocobalamin. Methylcobalamin is the natural form of Vit B12 and cyanocobalamin is manmade. While methylcobalamin contains a methyl group, cyanocobalamin contains a cyanide molecule.

Methylcobalamin is the activated form of vitamin B12 and is being used to treat some nutritional diseases and other diseases in the clinic, such as Alzheimer’s disease and rheumatoid arthritis. Methylcobalamin also promotes the release and formation of several hormones, Serotonin is one of them. Serotonin is one of the essential hormones of the body, produced by nerve cells. Serotonin impacts every part of our body, from emotions to motor skills. Serotonin is considered a natural mood stabilizer. It’s the chemical that helps with sleeping, eating, and digesting. Serotonin also helps in reducing depression, regulate anxiety, heal wounds maintain bone health.

Methylcobalamin has specific biomedical influences in the human body. The body needs B12 to convert homocysteine to methionine, protect DNA and RNA, support energy, protect nerve and brain cells, stimulate serotonin production. Vitamin B12 can only naturally be found in animal products like fish, meat, eggs, milk, etc. Methylcobalamin is the only form of B12 that can cross the blood-brain barrier without help or conversion. Its methyl group stimulates serotonin creation, a neurotransmitter responsible for mood support. It also works directly on brain cells to protect against damage.

There are some other benefits of methylcobalamin like the formation of red blood cells and prevent from anaemia. Methylcobalamin also plays a key role in the pregnancy. The deficiency of vitamin B12 during pregnancy may increase the risk of birth defects, such as neural tube defects. Methylcobalamin is important for the prevention of brain and spinal cord birth defects. An Adequate level of methylcobalamin decreases homocysteine levels in the blood. This may help prevent the development of age-related macular degeneration. Vitamin B12 is involved in energy production in our body. Thus, methylcobalamin is an essential vitamin that contributes in almost all the body functions in our body.

















Ginseng Multivitamin & Multimineral capsule is a food supplement known to have multiple beneficial effects on the human body. These multiple effects are due to its stable composition which contains three different categories of components i.e.

Ginseng herb Multivitamins *        Vitamin A (acetate)*        Nicotinamide*        Vitamin B1

*        Vitamin B2

*        Vitamin B6

*        Folic acid (Vitamin B9)

*        Vitamin C

*        Vitamin D3

*        Calcium D Pantothenate

Multiminerals *        Calcium*        Phosphorus*        Ferrous fumarate

*        Zinc

*        Magnesium

*        Potassium (Potassium sulfate)

*        Manganese (Manganese sulfate)

*        Copper (Copper sulfate)

*        Iodine (Potassium iodide)


These three components cover the daily requirement of the human body. These requirements are completed due to the following benefits of this composition:


Its genus name “Panax” tells all about ginseng which means “all healing”. It was initially used as a muscle relaxant in Chinese medicine. Besides, its consumption also improves aphrodisiac activity (increases libido), helps to manage erectile dysfunction and boosts the immune system.

  • Vitamin A: Beneficial for good vision, especially night vision

Helps in the growth & repair of skin

Formation & maintenance of teeth, bones, soft tissues & white blood cells

  • Nicotinamide: Helps in energy production & nutrient synthesis

 Play a role in preventing type 1 diabetes & some cancers

 Regulation of cell differentiation & cell death

  • Vitamin B: Helps the body to produce energy

Helps to form red blood cells

Healthy functioning of muscles, nerves & heart

Immune booster

Mood Lifter

Help cells to synthesize and maintain DNA

Prevents kidney disease in patients with diabetes

  • Folic acid: Helps to produce & maintain new cells

Prevents changes in DNA due to cancer

Reduces the risk of neural tube birth defects while pregnancy

  • Vitamin C: Helps to treat & prevent scurvy

Boosts the immune system

Helps to lower hypertension

Helps to treat lead toxicity

Helps to combat strokes

Helps to make blood vessels & body muscles strong

Helps to repair wounds

  • Vitamin D3: Supports the health of the immune system, brain & nervous system

Important for regulation of calcium & phosphorus regulation

Helps in the maintenance of healthy bones & teeth

Protective effect against cancer, type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis

  • Calcium D Pantothenate: Helps to carry out nervous system functions

Helps to treat acne

Helps to treat morning stiffness

Helps to treat rheumatoid arthritis

Helps to synthesize red blood cells & hormones inside the body

Reduce the healing time of wounds

Helps to reduce triglycerides & LDL cholesterol inside the body and raises HDL cholesterol levels

  • Calcium: Important for bone health

Helps in the functioning of heart, muscles & nerves

  • Phosphorus: Helps in healthy bone formation

Helps to improve digestion

Helps to regulate excretion and proper nutrient utilization

Remove minor health problems like muscle weakness, numbness, fatigue and similar ailments

The important element for the cells of the brain

Helps in cell repair mechanism

  • Ferrous fumarate: Treat iron deficiency anaemia
  • Zinc:             Proper functioning of immune & digestive system

Helps to control diabetes

Reduces stress levels

Helps in energy metabolism

Increase the rate of healing of acne & wound

Helpful in hair care, weight loss & eye health

Play a vital role in protein synthesis

Helps in building strong muscles

  • Magnesium: Helps to build strong bones

Enables the nerves to function

Essential for the production of energy from food

Helps to treat headaches, asthma and sleeping disorders

Helps to reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes

  • Potassium (Potassium sulfate): Helps to relieve from stroke, blood pressure, heart & kidney disorders

Help to enhance muscle strength

The primary function in regulating fluid balance & controlling electrical activity of heart & other muscles

  • Manganese (Manganese Sulfate): Involved in bone formation & thyroid function

Helps in calcium absorption

Helps in blood sugar regulation

Helps to improve immune function

  • Copper (Copper sulfate): Helps to synthesize red blood cells

Acts as a component in nerve fibres & collagen

Required in the body to produce antioxidants

Essential for proper growth

Has anti-carcinogenic activity

Helps in the production of melanin in the body

Helpful for the health of hairs & skin

  • Iodine (Potassium iodide): Required for healthy function of the thyroid gland

Helps to prevent arthritis

Helps to tackle emotional disorders

Stimulates salivary glands for treating coughs

Reduces the occurrence of growth and development problems


  • Helpful in energy production inside the body
  • Helpful in boosting the immune system
  • Reduce the risk of developing advanced age-related macular degeneration
  • Protective against the risk of development of cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure
  • Beneficial for healthy teeth, bones, muscles, soft tissues & nerve cells
  • Helpful in proper digestion, muscle response, hormone production, manufacture of antibodies and communication in the nervous system




Enzyme Q10: Why Pharma Marketing Companies must have it in Their Product Portfolio

Key points:

  • Q10 is a widely used  in cosmetics, food products and brewages industry
  • It is helpful in the treatment of various health issues like cardiovascular events, diabetes, infertility, liver etc.
  • As the awareness increased regarding coenzyme Q10 among the consumers, it raises the demand of Q10 in the global market
  • Q10 is recognized as a powerful anti-ageing ingredient and extensively used in anti-ageing creams and sunscreen lotion
  • A steep consumption of Q10 as nutritional supplements in daily routine expand the Q10 market size.

The antioxidant market is a booming market nowadays. Almost all pharmaceutical and biotech companies are focused in manufacturing antioxidants and gaining huge profits. Various type of antioxidants is available in the market for different medical conditions.  Enzyme Q10 is the most prevalent amongst all of them.  Q10 is a nutrient that is naturally found in the body as well as in the different type of foods also. It plays an essential role in the metabolism and protects the cell from damage. Coenzyme Q10 is also known as uniquinone, ubidecarenone and coenzyme Q. It is a 1-4 benzoquinone, where Q refers to the quinine chemical group and 10 refers to the number of isoprenyl chemical subunits. Fat-soluble substance, which resembles a vitamin, is present in all respiring eukaryotic cells, primarily in the mitochondria.

Enzyme Q10 is discovered by Fedrick L. Crane in 1957. Its chemical structure was reported by Karl Folkers. A British scientist Peter Mitchell got the noble prize in 1978 for excellent work in the development of Q10. The Biomedical communities have gathered an extensive knowledge base about the absorption, safety and health effects of Co-enzyme Q10. CoQ10 is used to treat several medical conditions like lowering of blood pressure, reducing the cardiac risks when combined with  regular medication. CoQ10 may help to prevent or treat the adverse effects of taking statin-type cholesterol drugs such as muscle pains and liver problems,. Enzyme Q10 is also used in the preventive treatment for low sperm count, HIV, Cancer, Muscular dystrophy and migraine.

Effect of CoQ10 in cardiovascular diseases:

Cardiovascular disorders are the major cause of morbidity and mortality. There are several factors which lead to the heart failure or other heart problems. CoQ10 is present in the all parts of the body. The healthy range of CoQ10 is 0.68µmol/l – 1.1µmol/l. Heart, skeletal muscles, liver and kidney have the highest amount of the enzyme CoQ10. In various clinical studies, there is the deficiency of CoQ10 which has been noted in cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, the clinical benefits of supplementation of Q10 in cardiovascular disorders have been found in several clinical studies. CoQ10 is beneficial for the nourishment of the heart. Enzyme Q10 improve the cardiovascular disorders by following mechanisms

  • Improvement of cardiac bioenergetics
  • Free radical scavenging action or antioxidant action
  • Amelioration of endothelial function and vasodilatation
  • Depletion in pro inflammatory cytokines
  • Membrane stabilization action

Effect of CoQ10 in diabetes:

Diabetes is the second most common metabolic disorder. In several cases, reduction of the antioxidant level is also found in the body of a diabetic patient. Enzyme Q10 is a potent antioxidant. It depletes the free radicals from the body which plays a very significant role in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy. Supplementation of CoQ10 also affects the other biomarkers of diabetes like steep reduction in Glycated hemoglobin, decrease in serum cholesterol, serum triglyceride levels and an increase in HDL levels. Coenzyme Q10 treatment also reduces lipid per oxidation.

Effect of CoQ10 on liver

The oxidative stress is the key factor responsible for the liver dysfunction. CoQ10 is the foremost component of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. It has been found that a reduced level of CoQ10 in plasma is one of the markers in mitochondrial dysfunction in non alcoholic fatty acid liver disease.

Effect of CoQ10 in infertility:

Infertility is the reproductive disorder which becomes a major cause of distress among the males. Excessive production of reactive oxygen species causes the reduction of sperm motility and amount which leads to the reduction in sperm mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production, resulting in male infertility. The supplementation of  CoQ10 increases Q10 levels in semen and can be effective in improving sperm kinetic features in patients affected by idiopathic asthenozoospermia.

Effect of CoQ10 in Periodontal disease:

The level of CoQ10 in the body is reduced in gingiva with the age, and the risk of periodontal disease is increases. The Deficiency of CoQ 10 was found in human inflamed gingiva and has been found to be responsible for the periodontal destruction. It has been noted in several studies that the antioxidant action of CoQ10 have the positive results in the treatment of periodontal disease.

Why must Pharma Marketing Companies have it in their Product Portfolio?

As the awareness increased regarding coenzyme Q10 among the consumers, it raises the demand of Q10 in the global market. The inherent benefits of Q10 in the treatment of cancer and Huntington disease has also contributed towards market growth. Its extensive utilization in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, cognitive illness and in periodontal diseases elevates its demand in the market.

Q10 is the widely used in the anti-aging formulations. According to the United nation report in 2013, the age rate became 11.1% to 19.6% from 2010 to 2040. An increase in aging population in U.S, Japan, U.K and Russia has created a huge demand of anti-aging creams. Q10 is recognized as a powerful anti-aging ingredient and extensively used in anti-aging creams and sunscreen lotions. It is also responsible for the generation of biological energy required to stimulate skin repair. The increasing rate of pollution and growing concern regarding the UV effect on the skin will surely increase the Q10 demands in the future.

According to studies conducted by life extension foundation, it has been approved that Q10 is capable in inhibiting the growth of PC3 cancer cells when given along with conventional cancer treatment. It has been found that daily dosage of 390 mg along with conventional treatment therapy has reduced the tumor size and retracing metastasis. The patients showed up to 44% reduction in degeneration of motor skills, movement of mental function as compared to the patient who did not consumed it.

A steep consumption of Q10 as nutritional supplements in daily routine expand the Q10 market size. Most of the food companies use enzyme Q10 as an ingredient in energy drinks and the functional food due to its antioxidant properties.

With the increasing demand in the market and having multiple uses in various diseases makes Q10 a product of huge sales potential. .CoQ10 is kind of a product which every Pharma marketing company should definitely have in their portfolio.














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